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Thanks for your visit to the site. I hope that you find some things that you like in here and that you keep checking back to see as new work is added. If you should come across any glitches or think of any tweaks that may improve the site, then I’m always grateful for you getting in touch via the contact page. Needless to say that I’m always grateful for any ‘likes’, ‘shares’ or constructive feedback regarding the site.
accessibility (top ▲)
The site has responsive pages and should appear well on most if not all devices. To magnify content on a standard computer keyboard, please use the universal key combinations:
Most modern browsers offer a reader view, normally found somewhere in the region of the address bar. In addition, the following list comprises a number of colour alternatives for viewing the site depending upon your personal preference:
Should you experience any difficulty viewing site content, please get in touch via the contact page with details of the device you are using and the problems you are experiencing.
cookies (top ▲)
Most sites use cookies. This site uses cookies to remember a visitor’s preferences so as any settings may be automatically applied the next time the visitor returns. This can be of particular use for anyone requiring accessibility features.
A cookie is a small file with a unique ID that is left on a computer so that the website may use it as a reference.
The cookies used on this site have ‘a life’ and expire when a visitor fails to return within a given time. All cookies stay on your device and no data is stored by this site.
Cookies can be managed and /or deleted by way of your browser settings or by the use of a cleaning utility /program such as Piriform’s CCLeaner (free version available). Other cleaning apps /utilities are available for most devices.
The website AboutCookies.org has information about cookies and their uses should you wish to know more.
design (top ▲)
I started to develop the cutter theme back in 2012-13 after finishing university and it has remained on my PC for about nine years while I had no time to complete the design. In all honesty, I would have struggled for time to do anything further in so far as populating the site had the design been completed. With my daughter now having moved away to pursue a university career, I finally have more time to go public!
I’ve always found it slightly frustrating that websites tend to be (for fairly obvious reasons) designed on a principal of ‘vertical scrolling’ whereas all other computer visuals lean towards a more dynamic, horizontal format. With this in mind and a ‘go with the flow’ attitude, I went for this long, slightly homogeneous feel.
I was trying to get to something journalistic (as in a journal, not the profession) in feel and though it’s fairly ‘tight’ in appearance, there’s quite a lot going on in the background to keep it that way. Being a WordPress site, comments could have been added to the posts though this is not something that I wanted.
As the site grows, there will be some of my work that doesn’t lend itself to this appearance and may be added within other sub-groups & styles, some of which may be less suitable for viewing on certain mobile devices.
Once again, I hope that you like at least some part of the site and find something that you can engage with. Any contact (genuine, not spam) is appreciated and I’ll always do my best to get back to you.
copyright (top ▲)
If you want anything from the site, take it though I think it’s always better if you let me know your intentions as there may be a possibility that I can offer other options; I’m always up for collaborations.
If you need to plagiarise my work then I feel for you and if you profit from my work then financial recompense will be sought dependant upon the circumstances. Anyone who is found to be using material from the site for detrimental purposes or purposes other than those for which it was intended may need to account for themselves through any and all available legal options of my choosing.
I’m happy when people like my stuff and see it as a compliment when people take my stuff and make it better. I don’t have a problem with acknowledging when something is ‘better’, subjective as that might be.
Anyone who wishes to ‘copy’ my work (or anyone else’s work) and claim it as their own needs to think about the value of their life.
paul(leader) (top ▲)
no longer having a crisis, I am the FRIGGIN’ CRISIS!
“Short of breath & one day closer to death”
and while I hope that you are able see the funny side of my expletives, I can assure you that I FRIGGIN’ DON’T!
About me? Well I’ve lived and only regret things I’ve not done. I’ve travelled extensively but regret not seeing more. I’ve spent most of my life curtailed by the impositions of arseholes who feel they have the right to inflict their values and paranoia onto others, usually in the name of profit and greed (they call it security).
I’ve loved and when I think of my ex’s with mobility scooters and rotten teeth… I can live with that